Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bali, Will You Love Me Tomorrow?

Bali after bomb blasting has many changes in every side. It can said that there are reduction of visitors who come to Bali.
We realize that Bali get the changing now.
But soon or later Bali will be back again to be a tourism destination for the world.
We optimism !
I'm still find the sadness from the victims of bomb blasting. Even they still angry till now.
My friens who became the victims still cry oftently., especially when saw the news about Bali bomb blasting on TV. For them, there are nothing in this world to cure their sadness.
How about me?
I'm very sad of course, angry and speechless.
I love Bali very much. It become my second hometown. I always miss Bali everytime.
When I was knowing the second bomb blasting killed my friend, I had a desire to revenge the men who did it.

Sometimes I think the men who did it are crazy and not a human, they're such an animal. A very wild animal.

When I was looking the sunset and the stars on the Bali's sky, I always ask myself," will Bali still love me tomorrow after all things that hurted it?"

Monday, September 3, 2007

Other Best Carnival In bali

Kawasan Pariwisata Nusa Dua yang dijadikan ajang Festival Nusa Dua dikelola oleh PT. Pengembangan Pariwisata Bali (Bali Tourism Development Coorporations/BTDC).
Inilah event besar kedua yang akan digelar di Bali September ini.
Acara-acara yang dikemas pun tidak kalah cantiknya dengan carnival-carnival laen di Bali. Festival makanan, budaya, dan masih banyak lagi.
Event ini selain untuk lebih mempromosikan Bali pada umumnya dan Nusa Dua pada khususnya, juga untuk lebih membuktikan bahwa Bali is fine kepada dunia.
Memang Bali tidak pernah berhenti menggeliat walau keadaan sempat mengalami perubahan drastis pasca BOM Bali 1 dan 2. Namun, Bali selalu optimis untuk tetap jadi yang terbaik dan tercantik.

We welcoming you to visit Nusa Dua Carnival.

The Best Carnival In Bali


Kuta Karnival 2007 akan kembali digelar di Kuta, 1-9 September mendatang. Kuta Karnival 2007 diadakan bertujuan untuk memulihkan Dunia Pariwisata di Bali, karena selama ini pariwisatalah yang menjadi tulang punggung Bali. Semenjak adanya peristiwa Bom Bali I dan II berbagai upaya dilakukan melalui kegiatan sosial maupun penyelenggaraan event.

Berbagai acara akan digelar pada acara tahunan ke-5 itu, antara lain food festival (8-9 September), tabur bunga di sepanjang Pantai Kuta oleh peselancar, dan parade. Kegiatan bertema “Shanti Shanti Shanti” ini diharapkan dapat menjadi ajang promosi pariwisata dan membawa pesan perdamaian kepada dunia.

Partisipasi dari berbagai kalangan pengusaha untuk terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan ini juga sangat tinggi. Partisipasi aktif masyarakat juga terlihat dalam pelaksanaan puluhan jenis kegiatan lainnya, semangat itu masih terpelihara dengan baik pada Kuta Karnival yang sebelumnya. Hanya saja apa yang menjadi harapan mereka ? Bersama-sama membangun bali merupakan suatu hal yang sangat indah diharapkan, agar event-event yang benyak terselenggara dibali diharapkan agar makna dan tujuan untuk membangun bali agar digusung bersama-sama. Bukan semata-mata hanya untuk menikmati dana segar untuk kepentingan golongan maupun pribadi.

Jika Kuta Karnival 2007 maupun event-event lain yang terselenggara meninggalkan sebuah kesan yang positif bagi para pengunjung wisatawan mancanegara dan domestik, niscaya secara otomatis citra kepariwisataan Bali yang sempat luluh-lantak akan mendapatkan sambutan yang istimewa bagi para pengunjung.

Schedule of Events

Here's the busy program of events for this year's Kuta Karnival:

Saturday, September 1, 2007

• 10.00 - 22.00 Suzuki Music Festival - Main Stage Kuta Beach

• 10.00 - 17.00 Environment Display - Balawista Lifeguard Corner.

• 10:00 – 18:00 Free Skating - Skate Ramp Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 10:00 – 18:00 Beach Stalls - Halfway Kuta Beach. Food, drinks and merchandise on sale at a beachside bazaar.

• 15:00 – 18:00 Opening Ceremony - Balawista Lifeguard Corner. Includes colossal opening dance involving over 200 Balinese dancers.

• 10:00 – 18:00 Tebs Shocking Games - Halfway Kuta Beach. Tree-to-tree fox flying, bridge crossing and other action games.

• 16:00-17:00 Bali Paddle for Peace - Balawista Lifeguard Corner. Over 1,000 surfers expected to help form a "circle of peace."

• 17:00 – 18:00 Sea Turtle Hatchlings Release - Balawista Lifeguard Corner.

• 16:00 – 17:00 ISI Art Happening - Balawista Lifeguard Corner. An art show by Bali's Indonesian Art Institute.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

• 06:00 – 10:00 Prima Fun Walk - Halfway Kuta Beach. Join the walk from the PrimaA drink stall down Jalan Melasti and Jalan Legian before returning to Kuta Beach.

• 08:00 – 15:00 Bali Garden Hotel Kite Festival - Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 10:00 – 17:00 - Environment Display & ISI Art Happening - Balawista Lifeguard Corner.

• 11:00 – 14:00 Gus Rubbish-Bin Painting Competition - Balawista Lifeguard Corner.

• 10:00 – 17:00 Surfer Girl Balinese Dance Competition - Balawista Lifeguard Corner. 10-17 year-old boys and girls in a traditional dance competition.

• 10.00 - 18.00 Tebs Shocking Games, Beach Stalls and Free Skating - Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 10.00 - 22.00 Suzuki Beach Festival - Main Stage, Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 16:00 – 18:00 Kids Playground - Bali Garden Hotel. Come join the fun and build a sand castle.

Monday, September 3, 2007

• 10:00 – 17:00 Environment Display - Balawista Lifeguard Corner.

• 10.00 - 18.00 Tebs Shocking Games, Beach Stalls and Free Skating - Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 14:00 – 15:00 IPOLA Beach Games - Halfway Kuta Beach. Watch Bali's lifeguards compete in beach games.

• 16:00 – 17:00 Bali Garden Hotel Beach Games - Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 16:00 – 18:00 Sunset Dance - Balawista Lifeguard Corner. Traditional cultural performance.

Tuesday & Wednesday, September 4 & 5, 2007

• 10.00 - 18.00 Tebs Shocking Games, Beach Stalls and Free Skating - Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 10:00 – 17:00 Environment Display - Balawista Lifeguard Corner.

• 10:00 – 18:00 Beach Stalls - Halfway Kuta Beach. Food, drinks and merchandise on sale at a beachside bazaar.

• 10:00 – 18:00 Free Skating - Skate Ramp Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 14:00 – 15:00 IPOLA Beach Games - Halfway Kuta Beach. Watch Bali’s lifeguards compete in beach games.

• 16:00 – 17:00 Bali Garden Hotel Beach Games - Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 16:00 – 18:00 Sunset Dance - Balawista Lifeguard Corner. Traditional cultural performance.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

• 10:00 – 17:00 Environment Display - Balawista Lifeguard Corner.

• 10.00 - 18.00 Tebs Shocking Games, Beach Stalls and Free Skating - Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 10:00 – 18:00 Free Skating - Skate Ramp Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 10:00 – 18:00 Beach Stalls - Halfway Kuta Beach. Food, drinks and merchandise on sale at a beachside bazaar.

• 10:00 – 22:00 Bali Islamic Festival - Discovery Shopping Mall. Rebana music festival and Islamic fashion show.

• 16:00 – 18:00 Bali Garden Hotel Sand Playground - Halfway Kuta Beach. Bring your shovel and pail and build a sand castle for prizes.

• 16:00 – 18:00 PVSI Beach Volleyball Competition Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 16:00 – 18:00 Sunset Dance - Balawista Lifeguard Corner. Traditional cultural performance.

Friday, September 7, 2007

• Cardinal Awards - Main Stage Halfway Kuta Beach. The performance and award ceremony following a 13-city search for the best Indonesian band and dance group.

• 10:00 – 17:00 Environment Display - Balawista Lifeguard Corner.

• 10.00 - 18.00 Tebs Shocking Games, Beach Stalls and Free Skating - Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 10:00 – 18:00 Free Skating - Skate Ramp Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 10:00 – 18:00 Beach Stalls - Halfway Kuta Beach. Food, drinks and merchandise on sale at a beachside bazaar.

• 10:00-22:00 Bali Islamic Festival - Discovery Shopping Mall.

• 15:00 – 18:00 Billabong Miniramp Competition - Skate Ramp Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 16:00 – 18:00 Sunset Dance - Balawista Lifeguard Corner. Traditional cultural performance.

• 16:00 – 18:00 PVSI Beach Volleyball Competition Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 16:00 – 18:00 Bali Garden Hotel Sand Playground - Halfway Kuta Beach. Bring your shovel and pail and build a sand castle for prizes.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

• 10:00 – 17:00 Environment Display - Balawista Lifeguard Corner.

• 10.00 - 18.00 Tebs Shocking Games & Beach Stalls - Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 10:00-22:00 Bali Islamic Festival - Discovery Shopping Mall.

• 15:00- 21:00 Billabong Bowl Competition - Base Skate Park.

• 16:00 – 18:00 Sunset Dance - Balawista Lifeguard Corner. Traditional cultural performance.

• 16:00 – 18:00 Bali Garden Sand Creativity Competition Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 13:00 – 22:00 Food Festival and Stage Performance Legian Beach. 50 Bali restaurants offer food plus live entertainment on stage!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

• 10:00 – 15:00 Sand Creativity Display - Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 10.00 - 18.00 Tebs Shocking Games & Beach Stalls - Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 10:00 – 17:00 Environment Display - Balawista Lifeguard Corner.

• 10:00 – 22:00 Suzuki New Model Launch & Music Festival - Main Stage Halfway Kuta Beach.

• 10:00-22:00 Bali Islamic Festival - Discovery Shopping Mall.

• 15:00 – 21:00 Element Street Competition - Base Skate Park.

• 13:00 – 22:00 Food Festival and Stage Performance Legian Beach. 50 Bali restaurants offer food plus live entertainment on stage!

• 15:00 – 19:00 Kuta Karnival Closing Ceremony and Grand Parade - A Kuta Karnival tradition with over 2,000 participants expected.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sanur Village Festival

Ketua Yayasan Pembangunan Sanur (satu-satunya Yayasan Bidang Sosial di Sanur), Ida Bagus Sidharta Putra mengumumkan tanggal penyelenggaraan Event Sanur Village Festival yang memasuki tahun kedua, yang ditetapkan pada tanggal 15 - 19 Agustus 2007 di Inna Grand Bali Beach dan Segara Beach. Even yang mengusung tema "fun and cultural event" ini kegiatannya digali dari kegiatan masyarakat Sanur sendiri dimana even ini ditujukan bagi masyakarat Bali secara keseluruhan dan bagi kalangan international.

Keberhasilan festival tahun lalu menjadi patokan bagi panitia penyelenggara untuk berupaya menciptakan dan mengembangkan even yang lebih seru tahun ini. Tanpa mengabaikan kehidupan tradisional pedesaan, yang sejak dahulu sudah banyak menarik minat pengunjung ketika Sanur masih menjadi tujuan wisata utama Bali, festival ini akan berupaya mempertahankan tujuan utamanya yakni sebagai landasan dalam memposisikan Sanur sebagai tujuan wisata yang aman bagi para wisatawan dengan menekankan pada even bertema budaya dan berkolaborasi dengan pengembangan industri wisata moderen dewasa ini.

Gabungan berbagai event ini akan diawali dengan upacara pembukaan, memperkenalkan artis Bali berbakat; Bona Alit diikuti dengan berbagai event yang disesuaikan untuk semua kalangan, termasuk program meditasi yoga massal. Berbagai pertunjukan budaya, festival boga, kompetisi water sports, jazz festival sampai pameran kartun internasional dari para kartunis terbaik se-Indonesia dan Australia. Acara tersebut hanya sebagian kecil dari hiburan yang akan disajikan selama event ini. Event tersebut sudah dijadwalkan sehingga tercipta peluang-peluang untuk menemukan aspek budaya Sanur sekaligus memperkenalkan pengembangan daerah ini yang mengawinkan pariwisata moderen dan global.

Kegiatan yang dijadwalkan tahun ini meliputi :
1 Kompetisi juru masak tahunan ICA : lingkup nasional
2 Parade budaya
3 Pertunjukan budaya
4 Fun bike dan city tour
5 Pameran Seni dan Lukisan
6 Pameran Bonsai dan Adenium Internasional
7 Food festival dan bazaar
8 Kompetisi water sports; perahu jukung, surfing, kite surfing, wind surfing, kayaking, dan canoe
9 Turnamen Golf
10 Lomba layang-layang
11 Fun Games
12 Jazz festival
13 Under water festival
14 Pameran Kartun Internasional : Indonesia - Australia
15 Kampanye Kebersihan
16 Kegiatan yoga massal
17 Parade DJ
18 Kompetisi rugby internasional

Sanur memang merupakan ajang yang wajib dikunjungi dari tanggal 15 - 19 Agustus 2007 karena segenap desa Sanur dan pelaku wisata akan merayakan acara spesial ini.

Sanur Village Festival merupakan inisiatif dari Yayasan Pembangun Sanur. Bertujuan untuk mengembalikan citra Sanur sebagai salah satu tujuan wisata utama di Bali, berbagai acara menarik akan memeriahkan festival selama lima hari di Sanur. Diisi oleh pertunjukan seni, budaya, serta aktifitas olahraga dan masih banyak lagi kegiatan menarik. Sanur Village Festival diharapkan menjadi inspirasi untuk komunitas Sanur.

So, jangan lewatkan acara istimewa satu ini.
Get the schedule in every public places in Bali.
Don't miss it!!!

Acara ini disponsori oleh:

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Society In Bali

Life in Bali is very communal with the organization of villages, farming and even the creative arts being decided by the community. The local government is responsible for schools, clinics, hospitals and roads, but all other aspects of life are placed in the hands of two traditional commitees, whose roots in Balinese culture strech back centuries.

The first, Subak, concerns the production of rice and organizes the complex irrigation system. Everyone who owns a sawah, or padi field, must join their local Subak, which then ensures that every member gets his fair distribution of irrigation water. Traditionally, the head of the Subak has his sawah at the very bottom of the hill, so that the water has to pass through every other sawah before reaching his own.

The other community organization is the Banjar, which arranges all village festivals, marriage ceremonies and cremations, as well as a form of community service known as Gotong Royong. Most villages have at least one Banjar and all males have to join one when they marry. Banjars, on average, have a membership of between 50 to 100 families and each Banjar has its own meeting place called the Bale Banjar. As well as being used for regular meetings, the Bale is wher the local gamelan orchestras and drama groups practise.

(Bali Plus)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Specialities Of The Balinese Cuisine

For you who visit Bali, there are some food that can be your choise during yoour visiting in Bali.

- Ayam Pelalah : Shredded chicken in chilli and lime.

- Babi Guling : Suckling pig roasted on a spit, stuffed with herbs, spices,
chillies and rice.

- Bebek Betutu : Duck smoked in an earthenwave oven.

- Kambing Mekuah : Braised lamb in coconut milk.

- Lawar : Made og thinly choped papaya, jackfruit, greenbeans,
grated coconut, starfruit leaves & various indigenous spices,
this dish is served with a variety of meats such as pork or duck.

- Pesan Be Pasih : Fish grilled in banana leaf.

- Sambal Be tongkol : Tuna Salad

- Satay Lilit : Minced Seafood Satay.

- Bubur Injin : Coconut rice-pudding with fruit.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wayang Kulit (Shadow Puppet) in Bali

Wayang Kulit is one of the grat story-telling traditions of the Javanese and Balinese. The Wayang show normally consists of a small 4-piece orchestra, which provides the musical accompanisment, around 60 'puppets' carved out of flat pieces of water buffalo hide and the Dalang, or puppet-master. the Dalang has to be both incredibly skilled, as well as knowledgeable.
He not only manipulates all the puppets, but has to provide a different 'voice' for each one. Good characters normally speaking in ancient 'Kawi' and evil or coarse characters speaking Balinese. The Dalang, therefore, has to be fluent in both languages.
Traditional dramas cover a wide variety of themes. The most popular are stories taken from the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Things That You Must Do And Don't Do In Bali

Please remember these serious things when you were visiting Bali:
- Attending ceremonies:
* Always wear sarong and sash.
* Don't walk in front of people praying.
* Don't use flash camera or push your camera into the priest's face!
* Never sit higher than the priest or the offerings.
* At cremations, don't get in the way of te attendees - however important taht photraphic opportunity is!
* Women are not allowed to enter temples during menstruation.
Sorry ladies !
- Try not to step on pfferings in te street(walk around them).
- Dangerous Sport:
Make sure you either have personal insurance or travel insurance that will cover any accidents!
- Driving:
In Bali always expect the unexpected, always keep your eyes open and your mind on driving. Beware of motorbikes! It's best to rent a car wit full insurance as this will save time and money if you are involved in an accident.
- Money changers:
Be very careful when changing your money. Always check the rate of excange and commission (if any) the money changer is taking. Most importantly, always count your money before you leave the premises and if you can, bring your own calculator, as the ones used by some places can be "a little inaccurate".
- Petty Crime:
* There have been a few cases of handbags being snatched after tourists have cashed money at Banks or Money Changers! Put your money away in your 'bum-bag' or hold onto your hand bag tightly!
* When changing large amounts of money please check each note carefully as thre are number of (noticeable) fake notes in circulation.
* When trying on garments don't take your jewellery off and leave it lying around - give it to a friend or leave it in the hotel safe.
- Swimming in the sea :
Currents/undertows can be strong, always swim between red and yellow flags, don't swim too far out! Don't leave your belongings unattended on te beach.
- When attending Special Ceremonies or Anniversary Celebrations as a guest or onlooker, small donations are gratefully received. Your donations will elp in paying for the offerings and upkeep of the temple.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


How's your holiday planning? For you who will visit Bali and really like museum and gallery, these are the lists of museums & galleries in Bali.

Let's check them up !

- Bali Museum
Jl. Letkol Wisnu ( Open Tues to Sun 8 am - 3 pm )

- Taman Budaya Cultural Centre
Jl. Nusa Indah ( Open daily* 8 am - 3 pm )

- Pengosekan Community of Artist Showroom
Jl. Pengosekan ( Open daily* 8 am - 4 pm )

- Puri Lukisan Museum
Jl. Raya Ubud ( Open daily* 8 am - 4 pm )

- Museum Le Mayeur
Jl. Hang Tuah ( Open Sat to Thurs 8 am - 4 pm )
( Friday 8 am - 1.30 pm )

- Agung Rai Museum
Jl. Pengosekan ( Open daily* 9 am - 5 pm )

- Gaya Gallery
Jl. Raya Sayan ( Open daily 9.30 am - 11 pm )

- The Blanco Renaissance Museum
Campuhan, Ubud ( Open daily 9 am - 5 pm )

- Genta Fine Art Gallery
Jl. Raya Lodtinduh 1 ( Open daily* 9 am - 5 pm )

- Museum Rudana & Rudana Fine Art Gallery
Jl. Cok Rai Pudak, Peliatan ( Open daily* 9 am - 5 pm )

- Neka Art Museum
Jl. Raya Campuhan ( Open daily* 8 am - 5 pm )

- Neka Gallery
Jl. Raya Ubud ( Open daily* 8 am - 5 pm )

- Seniwati Gallery of Art by Women
Jl. Sriwedari 2B ( Open daily 10 am - 5 pm )

NB: * = except holidays

Friday, June 15, 2007


Barong & Rangda Dance : - Batubulan - Everyday 9.30 am
- Puri Saren,Ubud - Fridays 6.30 pm
- Catur Eka Budi, Kesiman - Everyday 9.30 am

Kecak Dance : - Padang Tegal, Ubud - Sundays 7.00 pm
- Puri Agung, Peliatan - Thursdays 7.30 pm
- ARMA Open Stage, Ubud - New & Full Moons 7.00 pm
- Uluwatu - Everyday 7.00 pm

Sanghyang Jaran Dance : - Bona Village - Sun;Mon;Fri 7.00 pm
- Batubulan - Everyday 6.30 pm

Legong Dance : - Puri Saren, Ubud - Mon/Sat 7.30 pm
- Peliatan Village - Fridays 7.30 pm
- Pura Dalem, Ubud - Thursdays 7.00 pm
- ARMA Open Stage, Ubud - Sundays 7.30 pm

Wayang Kulit : - Oka Kartini's, Ubud - Sun/Wed 8.00 pm

Ramayana Ballet : - Puri Saren, Ubud - Tuesdays 8.00 pm

Calonarang Dance : - Mawang, Ubud - Thurs/Sat 7.30 pm

Topeng Dance : - Banjar Kalah, Peliatan - Tuesdays 7.30 pm

Ticket price : Rp 50000 - 150.000

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Bali Dengan Segala Esensinya

Bali memang terkenal dengan segala kebudayaan dan ritualnya yang masih eksis hingga kini.Mulai beragam upacara adat yang harus digelar untuk menyambut hari besar, masa panen,upacara pembersihan benda keramat. Pesta pernikahan, patah gigi untuk gadis remaja yang memasuki puber,Ngaben, bahkan Nyepi.
Mereka percaya bahwa dewa akan selalu menyertai mereka dan mengawasi segala laku mereka.Kalo kita berkunjung ke Bali, kita bisa melihat banyak tangkih, banten yag dibuat oleh penduduk setempat yang diletakkan di depan rumah, pura, di jalan, dalam mobil lengkap dengan dupanya.Seringkali digelar upacara adat dan ini semua menjadi daya tarik Bali yang bernilai jual tinggi.
Seperti pertengahan April lalu, The Art of Living Indonesia mengadakan Upacara Pancaran Api Perdamaian di Garuda Wisnu Kencana. Acara yang dipandu oleh Guru Besar, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ini diiikuti oleh berbagi kalangan dari berbagai negara, mulai Australia, USA, negara-negara Eropa dan Asia, dan sebagian besar penduduk Bali. Acara yang berlangsung 2,5 jam ini mematok biaya pendaftaran 7 juta.Acara ini mulai doa bersama sesuai keyakinan masing-masing, renungan malam, yoga, legong on the stage.Kenapa penyalaan api? Karena api melambangkan peleburan rasa murka dan ego.Diharapkan dengan perenungan bersama, kita bisa menyebarkan perdamaian di dunia, tiada ego dan saling memberi kekuatan dengan rasa kasih.
Apalagi ketika ada isu Tsunami tanggal 7 Juni kemarin, seluruh lapisan masyrakat di Bali melakukan berbagai ritual, doa bersama, istighosah. Para pedande Bali menyiapkan segala 'upakara' (ritual untuk memohon perlindungan dewa) di Pantai Selatan, seperti Sanur.Mereka tidak pernah menghilangkan segala bentuk ritual yang ada.Bali pasca bom 2002 dan 2005 kemarin pun tetap optimis untuk selalu membangun Bali,tidak pernah gentar dan tidak pernah berhenti menjual Bali.Walau banyak orang asing yang mengecam peristiwa bom Bali dan mencap Bali adalah sarang teroris, namun tak sedikit pula yang tetap setia berkunjung ke Bali.
Seluruh lapisan masyarakat Bali dari berbagai keyakinan, kasta, saling bahu-membahu,dan melebur dendam kepada semua kejahatan yang melanda.Bali, tetap merupakan surga wisata bagi sebagian besar penduduk dunia.Bali, dengan segala keelokan, keunikan, kemisteriusannya, dan eksotismenya tetap akan memberikan kenangan tak terlupakan di hati setiap pengunjung.
Singgah ke Bali dan nikmati segala esensi yang tercipta dari segala lekuk dan nafas Bali.

tangkih: sesaji dari bunga-bunga
banten: sesaji dari makanan, buah

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Have you ever heard about Dreamland?
Have you ever seen Dreamland?

Dreamland is one of the beach in Bali. It’s on of my fave beach, the first of my fave before Balangan.
If you always hear and visit Sanur, Kuta, Nusadua, Uluwatu and others, maybe Dreamland is still strange for you.

Yeah, Dreamland is quieter beach, only a few visitors spend their times there. It makes

Dreamland more exclusive and special than other beaches.
The location itself different with Kuta, Sanur that easy to ask someone that really know about the location. It located at the back of Pecatu Hill, around Jimbaran – Uluwatu. You will find the only sign of this place in Bali Pecatu Graha. Just go straight the street, for about 2 kms, with up and down street. On the hill you will see Kuta and Jimbaran, and you will get the dusty and stoney street here.

Go down the street (for about 30 degree). 5 minutes later, you will hear the sound of wave and see the beautiful white sand, the hill and enjoy the exotic and romantic.
Don’t miss this beach and having the most enjoyable staying in Dreamland, the charming beach of dreaming.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Social Life In The Villages Of Bali

Each Desa or Banjar is well organized and there is kind of village or Desa council in each village. This council is made of wise men or elders, of the village, is also chosen by popular vote and the Perbekel, or village head, is also chosen by the people. Most of the meeting are held in the Bale Banjar – the village hall- and well being of the village. Subject for discussion may range from the arrangements for the festivals, repairs to the village temple, difficulties in the keeping of peace and order in the village degrees from the central government and for local services, such as the school, bridges and roads.

Decisions at village level are communicated to the district head, who in turn reports back to the central government of the island. there is an island governor who in in turn is responsible to the central government of the Republic.
The village government is found on a primitive democratic system which is fundamental, indeed, to the whole structure of government. The primitive democracy is also expressed in the principle of gotong royong or co-operative selfhelp should a family wish to build a house they will receive help from those in the village not engaged in urgent work of their own. In turn, the family would assist their neighbours should the need arise. Such help is possible in a society which hasn’t yet become specialized, for each man in the village is still able to turn his hand to a variety of fast.

The sense of community is strong and family feeling predominates. This can be expressed harshly. Should a man commit a crime, he is banished from the village he has wronged and won’t be permitted ever to return.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Metajen Diantara Hiruk Pikuk Masyarakat Bali

Metajen atau menyabung ayam adalah hiburan yang mentradisi di Bali. Bukan saja sekedar sabung, tetapi mengundang penonton untuk saling bertaruh, merupakan kejadian yang biasa. Ketika itu masih menggunakan uang kepeng. Pemenang mendapat uang taruhan setelah dipotong pajak untuk para petugas sabungan.
Ayam yang disabung biasanya diberi pisau di kakinya. Ayam yang mati dalam sabungan dianggap kalah. Para penyabung berdatangan dari segala penjuru. Biasanya arena sabung yang terkenal terjadi di Goa Lawah. Metajen ini sempat dilarang habis-habisan karena dianggap ajang judi. Namun masih saja ada masyarakat yang melakukannya.
Namun kini pemerintah daerah setempat kembali mengijinkan metajen untuk tujuan kepariwisataan. Metajen telah dibuat menjadi salah satu tourist destinition dan masuk dalam Tourism schedule. Dan semua unsur judi seperti uang taruhan dihilangkan disini. Jadi metajen murni hanya sebagi hiburan tanpa embel-embel judi. Tapi ini tidak menutup kemungkinan masyarakat Bali masih metajen dengan taruhan.
Ayam taruhan pun sangat diperhatikan kondisi fisiknya oleh pemilik ayam. Baik dari segi makanan, kebersihannya, bahkan mereka juga melakukan suatu ritual tertentu agar ayam taruhan mereka bisa menang.
Ditengah segala bentuk hiburan baru yang bermunculan, metajen masih merupakan yang terfavorit. Memang metajen sudah begitu mendarah daging di masyarakat Bali. Kalau berkunjung di perkampungan-perkampungan Bali, kita masih sering melihat masyarakat setempat metajen di area tempat tinggalnya. Para penonton bersorak-sorak mendukung ayam taruhannya.
Ya, metajen tidak bisa dihilangkan dari keseharian masyarakat Bali.

Asal Mula Desa Talebeng

Masih berkaitan dengan metajen, ada sebuah legenda tentang asal mula desa Talibeng yang berkaitan erat denga metajen.
Suatu hari di jaman dahulu kala di Goa Lawah, ada metajen antara 2 ekor ayam yang sama-sama jagonya. Ynag atu berwarna merah, yang satu putih. Suatu kesempatan, ayam merah mampu menancapkan pisau ke mata lawannya. Hal ini membuat ayam putih kehilangan akal. Lalu menyingkir meninggalkan arena.
Ayam merah terus mengejarnya. Akhirnya mereka berlari ke mulut Goa Lawah. Setelah berputar-putar di mulut goa, kedua ekor ayam itu terus memasuki goa yang gelap gulita. Akhirnya 2 petugas membuntuti ke dalam goa. Tetapi ayam yang saling bertaruh tadi, belum juga ditemukan.
Ketika mereka keluar dari mulut goa yang lain, mereaka melihat seorang anak muda sedang bekerja di kebun. Ketika ditanyakan kepadanya, ia mengatakan kedua ayam tadi telah ditangkap dan digulai oleh penduduk setempat.
Mendengar pengakuan itu, mereka lemah an pasrah. Karena kecapaian, mereka malas kembali ke Goa Lawah, lalu mereka menetap di kampung itu. Mereka menamkan tempat itu denga Salebeng. Sa, artinya ayam putih, lebeng artinya menjadi kuah. Salebeng kemudian menjadi Talebeng.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


An unusual type dance drama is that depicting the mystical animal, The Barong. this animal is regarded as the guardian of the village, and during the play the danser wears a huge mask to represent it. There are several Barong plays, the Barong Ket, the Barong Macan, the Barong Landong and the Barong Bangkung. The Calnarang play is performed at the samae time as the Barong.

This tells the story of the witch, Rangda Girah. The story goes that during the reign ofKing Erlangga. There was a witch whom no one could defeat. thousand of people fell sick and died through her witchcraft and the village of the whole area went in fear with her. Only a certain priest, Empu Baradah could comabt her curse, she is killed, but the play is very exciting, and full of mystery and suspence which is kept up right to the end. The performance used to take place after midnight and in the torcchlight the bold figure of Rangda Girah is sometimes very frightening and breathtaking.

But now we can enjoy Barond dance in the morning everyday in Batubulan and Catur eka Budi, Kesiman and on Fridays in Puri Saren, Ubud.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Intan on stage

One of the participant of Ogoh-Ogoh Festive

Journey to Penyu Island

Tenganan, Desa Adat Dalam Eksistensinya

Bali terkenal dengan beragam budayanya. Salah satu kawasan di Bali yang masih 100% mempertahankan segala awig-awig atau aturan adat adalah Desa Tenganan. Desa ini terletak di kawasan perbukitan Karangasem. Penduduk Bali asli atau yang disebut Bali Aga tinggal disini dengan segala ritual adat yang mereka patuhi.
Desa Tenganan terdiri dari 5 banjar, yaitu: Bukit Kauh, Bukit Kangin, Gumung, Dauh Tukad, dan Pegrisingan.
Penduduk setempat sangat trampil dalam menulis dan melukis di daun lontar. Beragam upacara adat tak pernah mereka lewatkan.
Meski pergeseran budaya mulai merambah Bali, namun masyarakat desa ini tetap mempertahankan segala keotentikan ritual adat sesuai dengan kepercayaan mereka.
Di desa ini penduduk setempat harus menikah dengan penduduk setempat pula, tidak boleh menikah dengan masyarakat luar. Bagi yang melanggar aturan, mereka harus tinggal di Banjar Pande bersama mereka yang terlahir cacat. Bagi yang sangat patuh pada awig-awig, tinggal di Banjar Kauh dan Bnjar Tengah. Tapi mereka semua tidak dibedakan dalam hal upacara adat dan kehidupan sehari-hari, hanya tempatnya saja yang berbeda.
Penasaran ???
Kalo ke Bali, jangan lupa mengunjungi desa Tenganan dan rasakan Bali yang benar-benar Bali.

UBUD....Bali Heaven

Kalo saya lagi di Bali saya selalu meluangkan waktu seharian mengunjungi rumah sahabat saya, Intan di Ubud. Intan seorang guru tari Bali dan guru membaca dan menulis di daun lontar. Dia membuka kursus menari di rumahnya setiap sore. Suaminya seorang pelukis Bali. Wah pokoknya keduanya kompak melestarikan budaya Bali.
Saya paling betah di rumahnya. Suasananya ituloh yang tenang banget. Rumah Intan terbagi dari beberapa pendopo khas Bali, beratap alang-alang, berdinding bata merah, serta daun pintu-pintunya berukir. Eksotik banget. Di sekeliling rumahnya terbentang sawah . Wow, hamparan sawah dan rerumputan menghijau memberi kesejukan jiwa apalagi pas sunset, romantiiiisss banget.
Begitulah, Ubud memang tempat yang menjanjikan sebuah eksotika alam jika kita benar-benar tahu bagaimana menikmatinya.
Walter Spies, seniman Jerman tinggal di ubud pada tahun 1927 hingga tahun 40an. Beliau adalah orang asing pertama yang menetap di Bali, disusul kemudian oleh Antonio Blanco, seorang pelukis yang terkenal dengan julukan 'Salvador Dali of Bali'. Bahkan beliau juga beristrikan penari Bali. Sejak saat itu jadilah Ubud yang semula sepi menjadi kawasan paling nyeni di Bali.
Ubud menjadi tempat yang wajib dikunjugi oleh para wisatawan terutama wisatawan Eropa. Banyak wisatawan berkata: ' Kuta is madness, Sanur is sterille, Nusa Dua is culturally isolated, and Ubud is the place to go'.
Sama dengan saya, melewatkan 1 hari di rumah Intan, duduk di halaman rumah, menikmati hamparan sawah, suara burung, sunset, diiringi alunan gamelan Bali, tarian elok murid-murid Intan sungguh suatu bahagia tak terkira.


To buy goods right from the source with reasonable price and high quality, we recommend the following places for:

  • Antiques : Batubulan to Batuan road
  • Art : Ubud & surrounds, Lotunduh
  • Ceramics : Campuhan, Kapal, Tabanan
  • Clothes & Fashion : Galuh (Celuk), Uluwatu Lace (Kuta, Sanur, Ubud), Legian
  • Furniture : Kerobokan, Seminyak, Jimbaran, Ubud
  • Jewellery : Ubud, Celuk for gold & silver. Atlas South Sea Pearl (Sanur), The Bali Pearl (Teluk Terima) for pearl
  • Masks : Singapadu, Batuan, Mas
  • Puppets : Klungkung, Sukawati, Peliatan
  • Stone Carving : Batubulan
  • Textiles : Sidemen, Kampunggelgel & Klungkung Market, Batuan, Negara, Sukawati for prada, Ubud for Batik Bali, Tampaksiring for 'ikat' weaving, Tempuran for Geringsing
  • Wood carving : Mas, Kemenuh, Buruan, Tegallalang, Pujung, Nyuhkuning
  • Aromatheraphy oils & incense : Ubud Art Market
  • Spa Product : Spa Factory Bali (Jimbaran)

Thursday, April 5, 2007


4.7 million readers of TIME magazine have chosen Bali as the world’s best island tourist destination. Similarly, Travel+Leisure has also again chosen Bali as the best island tourist destination recommended for international visitors.
Both international rewards were received by minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik from Jason Tedjakusuma of TIME and Peter Bakker of Travel+Leisure, at the Patra Bali in Tuban recently. These consecutive prestigious awards on an international stage will help Bali and Indonesia’s image, and in turn expect the world will choose to visit Bali as their holiday destination.

(taken from Bali & Beyond, December 2006)

The magic of Tana Lot

Bali, 2004

When I was in Tana Lot at first in 1998, I’ve got a different touching. The atmosphere so strange, different with other places. Is it a really Balinese’s God and Goddess home ? I saw many essentials that very mysterious, and absorb the magic of the world.
Balinese said that people who go to the Tana Lot with their boyfriends or girlfriends, they will break. Tana Lot is a very holy place, don’t do bad things there. It’s the most wanted place to marry especially for Balinese and foreigner. They want their marriage will be blessed by God and always get happiness forever.
Balinese always take care this place. Kecak Dance is always held in the evening to thank God. Tana Lot is a very magic place. We can touch the green snake that can’t move in a one of cave under the Pura. While touched, we were saying our wishing. After that we move to the next cave to wash our hands and face, and the pedande (priest) will give some rice on our forehead for our welfare.
Tana Lot is one of the many pura in Bali. It’s the most famous one. Many foreign choose it for marriage place.
I still can feel the magic touching of Tana Lot sometimes. When I was watching Kecak dance there, standing on the hill and seeing the wave, the rocks, and the sunset, that magic is come over me, run into my soul and make me so close with God, make me sooo……. Deep.
Just feel by yourself, perhaps you can get the magic touching too.

The magic of Tana Lot

Bali, 2004

When I was in Tana Lot at first in 1998, I’ve got a different touching. The atmosphere so strange, different with other places. Is it a really Balinese’s God and Goddess home ? I saw many essentials that very mysterious, and absorb the magic of the world.
Balinese said that people who go to the Tana Lot with their boyfriends or girlfriends, they will break. Tana Lot is a very holy place, don’t do bad things there. It’s the most wanted place to marry especially for Balinese and foreigner. They want their marriage will be blessed by God and always get happiness forever.
Balinese always take care this place. Kecak Dance is always held in the evening to thank God. Tana Lot is a very magic place. We can touch the green snake that can’t move in a one of cave under the Pura. While touched, we were saying our wishing. After that we move to the next cave to wash our hands and face, and the pedande (priest) will give some rice on our forehead for our welfare.
Tana Lot is one of the many pura in Bali. It’s the most famous one. Many foreign choose it for marriage place.
I still can feel the magic touching of Tana Lot sometimes. When I was watching Kecak dance there, standing on the hill and seeing the wave, the rocks, and the sunset, that magic is come over me, run into my soul and make me so close with God, make me sooo……. Deep.
Just feel by yourself, perhaps you can get the magic touching too.

Sunset in Kuta
Bali, 2004

I always have the most wonderful times in Bali. Bali is the most priority destination to go, even Bali become my hometown during these years,. I have the most enjoyable staying here. And I always miss it every time. Bali is a really Last Paradise and Morning of World.
During my staying here, I never pass sunset in Kuta on weekend. Just like somebody else, I always stand at the seashore with my surfboard, camera and wait for sunset.
Wow… those sea mews, the colour of the sky, sooooo…..beautiful. I can’t describe it with any words.
I walk from home to Kuta in every early morning after prayer just to see the God’s painting, sunrise and lie on the sand. Go home again and start doing my daily activities. Sunrise, sunset, beach, surfing, I can’t leave them.
I can see many people stand together with me to wait for the sunset. I’m sure they all have their own mind about Kuta sunset. Adore it, love it, will always miss it, or maybe hate it. Same as the sea mew, do they jealous with the sunset coz we are wait for it ?
The sun walk to its paradise slowly, change the sky into dark and the moon will appear and dance with the stars.
There’s only 1 sentence to say: God, thank you for the creature.
There are moments in life here that I can’t pass and forget. Here is my beginning and I’ll live here, wishing always happy ending here.
Bali, I will always ………